The sunset last night was fabulous. As I watched it, I realized something; it keeps moving. I know that's not a novel thought. Rather how it's supposed to be, right? But something cool happened as I was pondering the sun moving. If it didn't move, it'd be the worst natural disaster ever. Chaos would ensue. Everything in the world be off the Richter scale because the sun is our source for heat, it's pretty much everything to us. I watched it move and become more and more beautiful and with my camera on my phone, I stopped the action.

But it never stopped. It just kept going down. And as it went down, it got more beautiful, more radiant. And that's when it hit me.....I want it to stop so I can just take in it's beauty and just let it beautiful there for just a moment......

If you know me at all, you know I hate the thick clouds that cover the sky and make my head miserable. But as I watched the sunset last night, I realized that no matter what the sky looks like to me, the sun is still moving. Sometimes I want it to race ahead of the clouds so that I can see it again, and sometimes I want it to be still so I can just watch what it does in it's magnificence. But no, it just slowly keeps marching on.....
And I realized, I sometimes do what I wanted the sun to do last night: I sometimes pause and want beautiful moments to last forever, or at least longer than than they do. Or sometimes when moments are really awful, I want to speed right through them. But it doesn't work like that. Just like the sun, life marches on, sometimes it seems slowly, sometimes it seems too fast, but in reality, it's a slow steady pace. I came across this quote a few days ago....

Right on, Jessica, and your friend Paul!! If we avoided parts of life, sped thru them, or if we paused too long on the parts of life we want to linger on, chaos would ensue, just like if the sun sped up or stopped.
I think I want to be more like the sun. Have you noticed from my pictures that as it goes down, it becomes more brilliant?

And that is what make me see that I don't really want to speed thru hard times or even stop on the beautiful parts. Because what I think is beautiful doesn't come close to what is next. I can't even dream up the beauty awaiting the next bend. All I can do is move steady with the sun.
And trust my Creator, just like the sun.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectiation for the sons of God to be revealed. "
Romans 8:18-19
"....For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall."
Malachi 4:2
I really don't know life.....at all. But I know the Author of Life and I know I can trust Him to lead me, just like He leads the sun.
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