I absolutely HATE the thick clouds that cover the entire sky with their gray-ness. Really, I do. It actually affects my psyche and sometimes gives me a headache and makes me want to throw up. So, yeah, I really HATE the clouds!!!! That could be why I'm listening to this song right now.
"With ALL CREATION I sing praise to the King of kings, You are my Everything, and I will adore You!!"
All of creation is from God. From earthquakes to tsunamis, to tornadoes and hurricanes, to these awful clouds. I want to learn to live above this fog that comes over me when there are days (weeks) like these.
"We walk by faith, not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7
My cousin is a pilot and I remember him saying once that Maine is the worst place to fly into because of the fog. He can only rely on his instruments to help him land because he cannot see outside. Talk about faith. We can only hope his instruments never let him down!!
I'm not kidding when I say what the clouds are doing to my head. I am a positive, upbeat person who loves life, but when there are thick clouds that make a day all gloomy because there is no chance of them going away, I turn into a negative person who doesn't have an upbeat thought in her head!! I want to love the clouds as much as I love the blue sky and sunshine because God created both. If nothing else, because He created them.
When I was little, my mom would help me and my brother change our attitudes about life, and eachother, by telling us to say 10 good things about eachother, I mean, life. Haha!! So, I'm going to share with you my 10 good things about my life after this song.....I tried to find the least cheesy version and I love blue grass, so here goes, lol:
1) One week ago today, I officially started dating a man who makes my heart all twitterpated and who makes me think fairytales are real.
2) I have a blossoming career in photography, I never asked for it, but here it is.
3) I have the best mother in the world, she is my best friend.
4) My dad is pretty cool, too. :0)
5) I have friends who love me.....if you're reading this, you know who you are.
6) I have my God who inspired me to love the clouds because He created them.
7) His word is healing to me.
8) Did I mention that I have a boyfriend? ;0)
9) I love oldies, and cranking them up really loud and singing them (wrong) with my mama is pretty much my favorite thing to do right now.
10) I am loved by a Holy God. What could be better than that?
Yep, I'm still not liking the clouds so much, but I am feeling better. How about you? How are you today? I hope that whatever fog you face today, whether it be the weather or emotional or physical, I pray He touches you. You are loved, my friend!!
One more song and then I'm outta here to go get ready to meet some girlfriends for lunch. I love you and I hope your day is just a little brighter today!!!
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